Want to book a flight?

Our Fleet

Airbus a330


 Boeing 777

 Airbus a340

Our Routes

Grindaivk: Sans Jose

Perth: San Francisco

 Greater Rockford: Los Angeles (LAX)

 Perth int: New Orleans

 Izorline: Seattle

 Sauthemptona: Bozeman

 Santa Rosa Papos: Minneapolis

 Mellor: Los Angeles

 Saint: Santa Barbara

 Lernaca: Bozeman

Our Classes

Economy Class

Economy class is another term for the airplane's main cabin, as opposed to premium cabins like business class and first class. Sometimes referred to as coach class, economy class typically makes up the bulk of the seating on a flight. It's the most simple class, with the fewest amenities.

Business Class

Business class is an airline class above economy (and premium economy), with upgraded amenities, service, and seating. ... Economy can be crowded, with slow service and frustrating processes, but it's also the most affordable way to fly, often priced several thousands of dollars less than costly upgraded counterparts.

First Class

First class is a category of luxury seating on a plane that has more space, comfort, and service than other seats, with amenities ranging from private suites to access to on-board showers.

Our Protocols

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